Guest Information
  • Cut-off shorts and gym shorts.
  • Cargo type shorts and pants.
  • Tank tops, mesh shirts, and T-shirts
  • Clothing containing inappropriate language or graphics
  • Metal golf spikes
  • Excessively worn or ripped jeans
  • Golf-appropriate foot attire must always be worn on the golf course and practice areas.
  • Foot apparel is required in all the Club’s public areas. Shower-related footwear may only be worn in the Locker Rooms.
  • Sports-casual golf tops and shirts with or without collars or other business casual tops and shirts are required for men.
  • Men must wear their shirts tucked-in, and hats/visors must be worn with brims facing forward.
  • Are not to be worn in the Members Grille Room, Main Dining Room, Ballroom, or the Mixed Grill Room may not wear hats, except for religious headwear.
  • Golf-appropriate clothing, including golf shorts, is allowed in the Main Dining Room.
USE OF CELL PHONES, AUDIBLE PAGERS & OTHER AUDIBLE ELECTRONIC DEVICESIn order to maintain the tranquil atmosphere of the Club and as a courtesy to all Members and their Guests, only the use of silent wireless communication devices will be allowed on Club property. The discreet use of these devices is encouraged. The use of audible devices such as Bluetooth speakers on the golf course/practice facility are not permitted.

PRACTICE FACILITIESThe club provides a superior practice facility for members including a large putting green, a spacious driving range, and practice green. To the extent possible, the grass portion of the driving range is made available for practice. To optimize the growth and condition of the turf on the driving range, members and their guests are required to observe the daily range schedule that may restrict play to mats only, specified hitting distances, etc.

GOLF COURSE RULESThe reputation of any golf club is not solely based on the quality of the course. It is a direct reflection of the members who make up that club. Wethersfield Country Club’s excellent reputation is based on the friendliness, courtesy, and consideration of the men and women who make up its membership and staff.

It takes a long time for a golf course to get in excellent playing condition; however, it may only take a few minutes for long term damage to occur. By observing a few simple rules and practicing common sense, such damage need not occur. The following are a few tips that we ask members to follow so that the reputation of the club and the quality of the course will be maintained and enhanced:

  • Around the green, golf carts must be kept on the cart path, and in no case should they come within 30 feet of the putting surface.
  • When driving a cart stay clear of high grass and roped off areas.
  • When carrying a bag, members must not place them on the greens or on the aprons.
  • Fix all ball marks on the green, replace divots on the tee boxes and in the fairways, and rake all sand traps after use.
  • Be careful not to damage the cup area by standing too close to the hole or when replacing the flagstick.
  • The Golf Course Superintendent will place certain areas under restriction to member use due to construction, repair, inclement weather or damage from the elements. Appropriate signs, ropes or stakes shall mark such areas. Members are requested to abide by the temporary restrictions for the general benefit of the club.

COMMON COURTESYGolf is a game to be enjoyed by everyone and that enjoyment can be enhanced by being thoughtful of not only those in your foursome, but of all others on the course.
  • Safety should be foremost in your thinking. Shout "FORE" loudly and as soon as it appears that any ball is headed for another person or foursome. It is better to have shouted and not needed to than to have not shouted at all.
  • Be considerate of other players as they are getting ready to play by being conscious of where you are standing in relation to their line of play. Try not to move or speak while they are making any shot.
  • Slow play is always a concern. Please make an effort to finish your round within the time frame established and posted by the Handicap Committee. Do not spend undue time searching for lost balls, balls in the water, or balls that you have very little chance of recovering.
  • Stay up with the group in front of you. If there is an open hole in front of you, you must permit the following foursome to play through.
  • Members should play the holes of the courses in proper sequence.